Sunday, March 4, 2012

DIY - Bookcases with a Pop!

Oh Hello!

I was recently needing some bookcases. I didn't want to spend very much money and while visiting Target I saw these bookcases...only $20 each!  For convenience and time I picked up a couple of them.  They are very basic 3 shelve bookcases that are more functional than design.  However I was just needing a basic bookcase for storage.

I decided they needed a little pop!  So I found some great wrapping paper and picked up some spray adhesive from a local store.  I took the back off and applied the paper.  I trimmed the edges and nail the backing back on.   

After a little de-cluttering and dusting I now have two great little bookcases with just a touch of design.  This is a very easy 20 min project.  Sometimes in design it is just the litle, simple things that a can make a world of difference.  Give it try on your bookcases and send me your pics!

I really liked this design!

I took the backing off and applied a spray adhesive

I lined up the upper right corner as my reference point.


Good Day!
--D. Charles


  1. Wow! Great bookcase. Thanks for the great post.

  2. Very clever! It's a great way to make generic furniture pop without spending a ton of money on a custom design. It's a simple project but adds a little extra personality to the room.

  3. You are really a smart person. You have nice designs.

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