Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Majestic St. John the Divine

Oh Hello,

During this past weekend while visiting New York I discovered an inspiring, beautiful and tradition cathedral on the Upper West Side.  While walking in Harlem I notice in the far distance a large domed building.  Following the sight I soon found this gem.  The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine http://www.stjohndivine.org sits majestically on the corner of Amsterdam and Cathedral Parkway.

Walking up to the church I was in awe by the staircase, statues,and enormous doors. When entering the medieval style cathedral the sounds of a choir echoed through the sanctuary. Colored light from the amazing stained glass windows cascaded down the walls and floors. I was inspired by this majestic marble and stone building. As I was exiting the church the pipe organ bellowed an amazing hymn. The sound was so overwhelming it literally vibrated within me.  Wow what an invigorating experience! Please enjoy the following photos and think how they may inspire your own creativity or home decor.

Good Day!
--D. Green


Sunday, March 4, 2012

DIY - Bookcases with a Pop!

Oh Hello!

I was recently needing some bookcases. I didn't want to spend very much money and while visiting Target I saw these bookcases...only $20 each!  For convenience and time I picked up a couple of them.  They are very basic 3 shelve bookcases that are more functional than design.  However I was just needing a basic bookcase for storage.

I decided they needed a little pop!  So I found some great wrapping paper and picked up some spray adhesive from a local store.  I took the back off and applied the paper.  I trimmed the edges and nail the backing back on.   

After a little de-cluttering and dusting I now have two great little bookcases with just a touch of design.  This is a very easy 20 min project.  Sometimes in design it is just the litle, simple things that a can make a world of difference.  Give it try on your bookcases and send me your pics!  anothur.decor@gmail.com

I really liked this design!

I took the backing off and applied a spray adhesive

I lined up the upper right corner as my reference point.


Good Day!
--D. Charles