Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY Floral Centerpiece

Oh Hello,

I had a chance to visit my friends at my favorite florist, Marguerite Gardens (http://www.flowerpowerchicago.com  or margueritegardens.blogspot.com) this past weekend.  I asked to be shown the process of creating a simple, yet elegant centerpiece. And with the holiday's just around the corner, I thought I should take notes and share with you the 1,2,3s of making a simple, elegant and inexpensive centerpiece.

This arrangement is what they call "low and moundy." A low arrangement will allow you to keep the centerpiece on the table and still be able to have conversation without it blocking the other guests.  Having this in mind, the arrangement is made to look round, like a mound; that way no matter what angle you look the arrangement you can enjoy it's full beauty.

So let's begin...

We used a a clear glass cube vase, one Ti Leaf, Hydrangea, three Roses and a little Queen Ann's Lace.

Overview of Steps

  1. Prep the Ti Leaf and place in glass vase
  2. Cut the Hydrangea and place in glass vase
  3. Cut Roses and arrange within Hydrangea
  4. Cut Queen Ann's Lace and sparingly place in arrangement
  5. Enjoy!

We used a simple cube vase for our arrangement. 

Step One
Prep and Place the Ti Leaf

Cut the stem and approximately 2-3 inches off.

Shave stem to same level as the leaf.

Gently massage the leaf. 

Roll the leaf.

Gently place rolled leaf in vase and release.

Add water.

Step Two
Prep and place Hydrangea

Cut stem to appropriate length.

Place in the vase.

Step Three
Prep and Place the Roses

Place the vase to the edge of the table and cut the stem accordingly.

Place Roses within the Hydrangea, almost as if they were growing from the Hydrangea.

Step Four
Prep and Place Queen Ann's Lace

Cut and Prune the Queen Ann's Lace.

Place the Queen Ann's Lace around some of the edges as well as within the Hydrangea.
This will give it a full organic look.  It will also add another layer of texture to the arrangement.


Good Day
--D Charles

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